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10 projects in result set.
CAOBA-Bancolombia Comunidades - Analítica de (i) el valor asociado a una comunidad de clientes de Bancolombia, y (ii) de sus características de riesgo
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map

Register Date: 2016-03-12 09:12

CAOBA-Nutresa Canasta - Sistema de recomendación de productos y promociones basado en información histórica de tipos de canasta de mercado
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map

Register Date: 2016-03-12 08:46

Online Store Retail System - Component-based Online Store Retail Software System
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map

Register Date: 2015-03-05 22:55

QoS Contract-Aware REconfigurator system - QoS Contract-Aware REconfigurator system (Qos-CARE)
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map

Register Date: 2015-02-09 21:26

RefDocs - Repository of documents of reference and general interest in software engineering and development.
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map

Register Date: 2015-02-03 09:44

SCM Test - Project for SCM Testing
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map

Register Date: 2019-07-11 09:46

SHIFT-SAS - The SAS part of the SHIFT project
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map

Register Date: 2015-02-26 23:16

SIIMCO - Sistema Integrado de Indicadores para Monitoreo y Control de Proyectos de Software
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map

Register Date: 2015-03-05 23:18

SmarterContext - Context Management System: Norha Villegas's PhD Thesis results
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map

Register Date: 2015-03-05 22:33

Smarter MIO - Software base for improving the usability of the MIO public transport system
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map

Register Date: 2015-03-05 22:52